Work Preview
3 Live Performances I made for MAI streamed to Sabanci Museum Istanbul from Berlin
No Musicans' Land by Marina Abramovic Institute at Sabanci Museum Istanbul
Hundreds of artists, actors, performers and musicians leave Turkey every year in order to get an artistic education, which is not always accessible in their homeland. Since early 2000s, all these Turkish artists in their respective countries have created their own artistic enclaves. From Australia to USA, from Netherlands to Japan.
No Musicians’ Land aims to bring together a unique collection of Turkish musicians, from all over the globe and across various genres for the Turkish audience. During the course of one week, every day and every hour a Turkish musician will take over and perform to create a never ending music piece that travels around the globe.
The musicians will interact with the public in the museum through a webcam.
No Musician’s Land wants to communicate the enthusiasm of the pursuit for creativity, together with a nostalgia of home.
Potato potah
‘Potato Potato’ is a performance piece that Anthony Hüseyin, developed and released at the Grüntaler9 Project Space Festival in Berlin. The performance was inspired by Anthony Hüseyin’s experience working in a kitchen for the first time as a vegan cook in Berlin, after having been active for 10 years as a musician and performance artist, and teaching music at a university of the arts. ‘Potato Potato’ zooms in on all the questions, doubts, and endless seeking for external validation that every artist works through on a daily basis. “What is my value? On what does that depend? What factors increase my value? What is my status zand position in this life? What is art? When and under which conditions am I an artist? When am I not…?” "Potato Potato" as well was the part of Oerol Festival in the Dutch island Terschelling and the Worm in Rotterdam the Netherlands in 2019.
We Make Sense Together
We Make Sense Together is the very first video clip of the debut album of Anthony Hüseyin's "The Lucky One" Lyrics&Music Anthony Hüseyin Produced by Daniel Sillem &Anthony Hüseyin Video directed by Paul Sixta Filmed by Paul Sixta - Fanny Hagmeier Performed by Pawel Dudus & Christopher Tandy
Lines is the last part of the performance art trilogy that Anthony Hüseyin has been creating since he lives in Berlin. Part III is called "Lines" in which Anthony Hüseyin is reenact his clubbing-raving experiences that he's been having in Berlin, on stage by sharing his inner journey with a power point presentation while raving on techno, remote control on his hand. To get in a club, to get a drink, to go to toilet and to do a line, you have to get on line to get "aligned"
By the adrenalin, excitement and force of raving on stage, eventually Anthony is getting on trans and inviting audience to dance with him. He activates their energy by the energy that he's gathering from raving.
asshole monologue
It's monologue that Anthony Hüseyin wrote for his own butthole.
Talking as his own asshole about his experiences as a brown, queer non binary person in West and East, over Christianity and Islam, patriarchy and homo/transphobia. Decolonising his own asshole, his body, his gender, his identity. Asshole Monologue was performed at Worm/Ubik in Rotterdam at Queer Performance Art Evening
Playing Possum - My Brothers Might Kill Me
This performance is based on the defense behavior of possums, and is based on my experiences of being the subject of an honor killing threat. My brothers found an artistic photo of me through social media, which I had made with an artist. They commanded me to remove the picture, which they perceived as gay and consequently dangerous for “our” tribe and its reputation.
When facing a dangerous situation, a possum will take on the appearance of being dead as a defense behavior. But in my situation, was the danger gone? Can it be gone? In order to complete my physical and emotional act of playing possum, I have organized my own funeral. There are usually no funerals organized for the victims of honor killings, since their families are the murderers. Often they are buried in an orphan cemetery by total strangers. The funeral follows the rituals of Islam. (Based on Sunnah funeral rituals in Turkey)
“Fried LOVE”
The struggle is real. What happens if you fall in love with your colonizer? The ones that decide what you should eat and how much you should move? The white, male cis, straight gaze ! Femm, fat, female, male brown - black bodies... Who decides what is beautiful?
You don’t have to be a land, nation, culture to be colonized cause they are created by us, they consist of us; our minds, hearts and bodies. Dreams? What about our dreams? Are they colonized too? “Fried Love” is a performance piece where Anthony Hüseyin reveals his deepest and darkest desires to his colonizers through a mysteries YouTuber.
"Fried Love" was performed in Berlin at the performance art evening "Msg and Friends" organized by Asian artist for Asian performing artist in November 2019 and at WORM Rotterdam December 2019.
Gute Besserung
Gute Besserung “Get well soon” is the second part of the performance series of “Potato Potato” in which Berlin based artist Anthony Hüseyin has reflected on the value of the art – artist and hence himself, regarding his carrier change from teaching at the conservatory to working as a vegan cook in Berlin. However this time the topic shifts from kitchen to dating in which Anthony Hüseyin again questions our values, ethics and the ambiguity of our physical and emotional encounters hence connections; in other words “Dating”
Sayin Baskan (Mr Prime Minister)
Anthony Hüseyin and his Rotterdam Collective, June 2013 Raising Voices for Turkey! Resisting Gezi Park! Sarkinin resmi adi Sayin Baskan/Mr. Prime Minister' dir. Resmi olarak Huseyin Badilli tarafindan yuklenen sarkinin ilk ve tek videosudur. Diger indirilen, kopyalanan ve de adi degistirilen videolar hukumsuzdur. I declare that the official name of the song is "Sayin Baskan/Mr. Prime Minister".